Product Design

Prototype V2

As soon as I built the first version, there was a moment of realization. It is complicated, really complicated. It is far from a machine I would build again or have someone else do it. There were way too many different parts, some portions were flimsy and would even fall off. Therefore, I had to go back to the drawing board again and start from scratch. V2 was born, mostly printed. After all, if you can 3D print a 3D printer, why wouldn’t you be able to 3D print a 3D scanner.

I decided to pack everything neat and tight in the base of the device and to split it into 3 logical portions: base, body and top. All the electronics are to be placed in the base, and to have cameras and lights in the body and top parts.

Initial tests

Well, they turned out promising. Raspberry Pi cameras seem to be major pain and I had some success only when I placed a +2 macro lens on top of it.

Putting it altogether… once again!

After days of fiddling and set backs I finally managed to put it all together. There was a huge bin of failed parts, until I’ve reached the complete machine. Here it is next to the old one: smaller, better, slicker.

Lights on!

Let’s test it. 

Dino to the test!


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